Went and saw the new Chronicles of Narnia movie today (Voyage of the Dawn Treader) and I
really enjoyed it! The movie definitely changed some parts of the book but totally did it in a way that still worked and made sense with the overall plot. The actor who played Eustace was
spot on and Prince Caspian was
hot...I might have to rewind a bit and watch the last movie just for the eye-candy haha. Anywho, even though I'm the
farthest thing from someone who likes to cook (I'd eat ramen every other day if it was up to me and usually do when I'm at school), I made eggrolls today! Nom! Believe me when I say this probably won't happen again anytime soon...
Here are some other pitchahss of things in my life right this very second:
A gingerbread house my little bro and I made with our kitchen
Christmas tree in the background. Oh hey Santa!
clearly the peppermint windows didn't work out the way we wanted |
Oh Christmas Tree!
Sticker on the back of my laptop